
Amy is a classically trained cellist and double bassist, using minimalist soundscapes to facilitate journeys that connect humanity to unconditional love, beauty and compassion. Exploring the depths of what sound has to offer, Amy plays with the interaction of sound with energy and space to discover its pathways to transmute, shift, heal and attract. There is great potency in traditional songs and ritualised used of sound, which Amy brings to her practice.

Over the past twenty years Amy has built a career in the Performing Arts, specialising in Cultural Economy, space holding and facilitation of the creative and artistic process. During this time Amy has also worked in Disability support, specialising in complex medical needs, complex communication, behavioural support and social inclusion.

Amy has trained in Integral Sound Healing, Biofield Tuning and has received Master Trainings in lineage based Sound healing. For the past five years she has been undergoing trainings and initiations with Shamanic Energy Training to create safe sacred spaces rooted in love, integrity and divinity. At the end of 2023 Amy graduated from the Shamanic Energy Training School's Spirit Weaver Program  in Shamanic Clearings, Miracle Healings and Psychopomp practices.

Amy has developed her psychic skills and mediumship with Eloise Fielke Intuitive, where she has completed all 3 levels of training. This training embraces ethical and empowered psychic development and mediumship that supports Soul Growth.

Taoist Stone Medicine has been evolving as a support in Sacred Sound Elements spaces. Amy has been training in Upper Clarity Stone medicine, specialising in stones that transmute, nourish and connect us to source. Through this practice Amy has been deepening her practice of Stone Medicine with the 8 Extraordinary Meridians.

Training & Qualifications

Bachelor of Music Performance, Monash University (Aus) 
Performance on Cello & Double Bass 

Level 1 Certificate of Integral Sound Healing, Academy of Sound Healing (UK)  
Certification of multi-instrumental sound healing 

Practitioner Certificate of Biofield Tuning, Tuning Fork Therapies Australia. 
Certification of Biofield Tuning Method from Biofield Tuning in USA 

Plant Spirit Ceremonialist & Sacred Space Weaver Training, Shamanic Energy Training® 
500Hrs+ Training & Mentorship, IEHA Global Accreditation 

Spirit Weaver Training, Shamanic Energy Training® 
9 month White Dragon Lineage Initiation to hold Divine Grace  as a Shamanic Magician

Escaping From Notes to Sound: Flumieverse, Sounds to Silence (UK)
Creative Sound Workshop of Gongs and Singing Bowls

2018 – 2023 Various Initiations and Trainings, Shamanic Energy Training®(Aus) 

  • Drum Journey Training & Hyperspace Navigation 
    Training in how to safely journey through spirit realms with Spirit of Medicine Drum. 
  • Pendulum
    Workshop in how to use the pendulum as a tool with appropriate boundaries and protection 
  • Spirit Animal 
    Training in an energetic template to work with one’s own Spirit Animal team 
  • Plant Spirit Communication 
    Training in an energetic template to work with one’s own Plant Spirit team
  • Spirit Allies & Mythical Creatures
    Training in the Medicine Wheel of Transformation to work with one’s own Spirit Allies and Mythical Creatures 
  • Crystal Kingdom
    Workshop to activate and reawaken the integral pathways for crystal magick, interactions, co-creation and grids.
  • The Wheel of Ascension Program 
    A 12mth journey of Sacred Ceremony, inspired by the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Inc teachings of The Major Arcana Tarot Journey, The Alchemy of Prayer, The Immortality Acupressure Points and The Colour Rays. 
  • Qigong: Chakra Warrior, Meridian Awakening, Elemental Warrior, Red Dragon Warrior Form, White Dragon Warrior Form 

Transmuting Entities with the Cosmic Dragons of the One, Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine 
Training in ancient texts regarding spiritual origins of disease & acupuncture protocols for transmuting ghosts and entities with stones and crystals. 

Certificate IV in Disability Studies, Swinburne University 
Training to enable people with disabilities to become more independent and get involved in community and recreational activities 

Levels 1, 2 & 3 Psychic Foundations, Eloise Fielke Intuitive
Psychic/Mediumship Development mentorship, IEHA Global Accreditation 

Stones for the 8 Extraordinary Meridians, Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine  
Training in ancient Taoist on-the-body stone treatment, accessing the portals of the Soul blueprint for soul level healing

The Empress & The Dragon: Obsidian, Caitlin Priday 
 3 month immersion into womb alchemy, ritual magic, sisterhood, clearing work, self nurturing and healing

Magic & Medicine of Music, Allison Davies , Music and the Brain 
Neuroscience & Trauma-informed self regulation with music

Emotional Flow with Stones, Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine   
Training in emotional healing through colour and stones

Upcoming training...  



Amy's Biofield tuning session was in perfect alignment with what's shown up for me in various other modalities. Amy's pitch perfection and understanding of energy is very apparent making the session flow seamlessly and clear in authenticity. Her passion within her work is inspiring and she truly has unique gifts that she offers so generously within her session. I received so much confirmation about past wounds / stuck energy that Amy was able to help free, and I have been continuously watching how this has unfolded in my life in various ways since my healing. I highly recommend going and experiencing her magic for yourself .” - Emma


“ When I went to Amy for a biofield tuning, I had no idea what I was in for. I had never thought about what a biofield was, but after the profound experience in the session, and then what Amy said to me at the end ... I completely understand what she was doing with the tuning forks. It was an incredible experience going into the session, open to how lovely sound healing is, but to come out lighter and clearer ... I would recommend it, and I like that she is very experienced so I didn't need to explain much backstory and was able to trust; being fully in the moment, and receiving such nice attention and presence for the whole session.” - Simon


I've attended a one on one treatment and 2 group sessions with Amy as facilitator. Each experience being a relaxing, comfortable and unique journey through vibrational healing. Amy outlines in detail at the beginning what to expect, then proceeds to treat with presicion & care, blending her classical music training with sound healing elements is a delight!” - Jessica


Amy has an extensive musical background, working in the arts, orchestra's and music business which she has translated into a beautiful sound healing practice. Amy's sound healings incorporates many instruments into her sessions to bring you to a bllissful state of relaxation and calmness. If you have the opportunity participate in Amy's sound healing sessions, they are amazing" - Jill


Master Lineage of Sacred Sound Elements 

Masters of Instrumental Sound 
Stephen Langley, Arturs Ezergailis, Anita Hustas 
Matt Stonehouse, Ria Soemardjo, Adam Simmons, Djulz Chambers 

Masters of Therapeutic Sound 
Sally Hutchison 
Toni Cross 

Masters of Nature, Energy and Spirit Traditions
Sharon Bolt, Joseph Callender 
Sarah E Thomas
Eloise Fielke

Caitlin Priday