Shamanic Sound Healing

Sacred Sound Elements offers a unique Shamanic Sound Healing practice that combines multi-instrumental Sound Healing with multidimensional energetic and spiritual healing. Working with your body, energy layers, your Soul blueprint, Spirit Team and Ancestors, Shamanic Sound Healing practice brings you into greater resonance with unconditional love, the depths of your compassion and supports you to see beauty in yourself and the world around you. 

Blending modern science, ancient wisdom and sacred ritual, Sacred Sound Elements delivers an experience that fuses performance art with magic, alchemy and holistic healing. All private and group sessions feature the Sacred Ceremonial Space practices of Shamanic Energy Training® Template, powered by Dragons. All sessions are built in co-creation with my own Ancestral Lineage Spirit Teams, and under the Mentorship of Sharon Bolt, Shamanic Energy Training® & Temple of Shamanic Magick®.  


Shamanic Sound Healing practice works across a broad spectrum of:   

Regulation and Relaxation: Much scientific research has focused on the power of sound to induce a state of relaxation, thus reducing stress and embodied trauma that is linked to chronic illness and disease. The field of neuroscience is leading research on the impact of sound on our neurobiology and neurochemistry, proving the effectiveness of sound therapies in regulation and relaxation. 

Mindfulness and Embodiment: Spiritual Sound Practice can be used as a form of mindfulness and embodiment practice, quieting the monkey mind and exploring our own humanity. It brings awareness to the mind, our emotions, the breath, the body, and expands your existential and spatial awareness. Sound meditation has become a popular form of mindfulness as seen in the rise of sound baths, binaural beats and chanting such as Tibetan Chanting and Kirtan. 

Body wellness: Sound is a type of energy formed by vibrations. It has the ability to impact every cell in our body and unify disparate parts of the body as a whole. I believe that health imbalances in the body have root causes connected to our emotions, mind, energy, soul and spirit, and with the right supports (integrated with mental health professions and medical practitioners that understand the energetic body such as Traditional Chinese Medicine) the body can self-heal. I sense and work with multiple energy layers of the body, your meridians, energy centres and internal organs in a multidimensional context. 

Connection: Sound is a powerful unifying force, connecting us in unity consciousness, with all of Nature, the Divine and Creation. As an amplifier sound is powerful enough to open portals to multidimensional realms and connect us with our Ancestors, The Divine and Spirits that want to assist us. I work with grounded and safe practices and sacred spaces to invite the Spirit world to connect with you, your lineage and your healing journey.  

Offering private sessions, practice journeys and group circles, each session is unique, with a focus on different layers of energy flow each time. Private sessions allow for more precision to access and work on specific issues and discordant energy, whilst Circles provide an amplified group energy that can benefit you in your own healing journey. Practice journeys offer you the opportunity to work on developing your own skills and taking a deep dive of exploration within a supported group environment for a set duration.

Shamanic Sound Healing practice is for you if you want to:  

  • Have a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience, or need help to sleep  
  • ​Maintain, balance and restore your energy   
  • Address your relationship towards another, a situation, your body, business, etc.   
  • Release and transform long held beliefs, trauma, repressed emotions, stagnant and blocked energy   
  • Balance and support your Mind, Body, Spirit through a significant change or period of transition in your life   
  • Reconnect, expand and explore your creative gifts and potential  
  • Connect deeply with your Divine Child, your Spirituality and the World around you in gratitude 
  • Open yourself to interact with healing vibrational medicine from the Spirit Realms  
  • Develop or attune your own Spiritual practices  
  • Illuminate the abundance in your daily life  

There’s really no limit here! Whatever you bring to the table. Each session works with your intention (from the time you book your session), to provide you with a unique journey of vibrational medicine that is specific to you, your ancestral lineage and spirit teams.

What can I expect? 

Sacred Sound Elements is committed to working with you and the Spirit Realms with integrity and respect. You can expect a practitioner who is committed to self-development and a space that is energetically safe for you and your Spirit Team. 

Private Sound Immersions are available now by remote/distance. Your session begins with a discussion of the current state of your energy and your intentions for the session. I’ll talk through the instruments and energies that have come forward to work with you in your session and you are invited to weave in your prayers and intentions with them. You can then go on your own deep listening meditative journey, or simply rest your awareness in your body and feel how the sound, Spirits and energy in the space interact with you. You may become aware of emotions, thought patterns, memories or other people/beings coming into your consciousness, which you may choose to engage with or release. Others use this time to simply switch off and allow their bodies and busy minds to go into a deep state of relaxation. This time is precious and it is yours. This is honouring your radiance, power & grace. At the end of the session we’ll share a herbal tea and debrief, giving you the chance to be witnessed in any way that you need. 

Please read through the Contraindications Page to ensure Shamanic Sound Healing practice is right for you at this time. When considering the scheduling of any private sessions, please allow yourself adequate time to integrate any energetic work done previously and give your body the time and space it needs to process any detox symptoms.